1st Trimester

I'm not very good at this waiting thing!!

so i got my medicaid and won't have the appointment with my mid-wife until the 17th of October. i've been going through some major worrying because of all the things that have happened. if you've seen my older posts i was originally told i had a miscarriage from the ER (because they couldn't see on an US at 4 weeks-ish) but when i went and got my HCG checked 2 days later the levels went up. the lady said everything seems fine and that the discharge i went to the ER about was just implantation bleeding. well i haven't had anybody check or do anything else since then...... i'm sooooo frustrated!

my hubby and i had sex night before last and i've been having very light pink spotting (hoping thats normal). we thought it was because we hadn't in about a month and a half cause i had a bacterial infection and didn't want to hurt the baby (they gave me a shot and hopefully its gone now). so i'm worried about that and i just want the baby to be healthy!! i'm just ready for this nightmare to be over so i can enjoy this pregnancy and find out everything is alright.

i definitely have been having symptoms. i'm feeling like getting sick all the time (haven't yet). i'm tired, hungry, pee every hour, can't sleep, extremely emotional, feeling them growing pains lol.... it's buckets of fun!  

sorry i just needed to get all my feelings out about it all.... thanks for listening and for any advice you give.
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