July 2012 Moms

It's Over

My maternity leave, that is. And I am totally and completely heartbroken. I have been in tears on and off all day. As in emotional trainwreck, hysterical tears. I knew this day was coming and would be hard but ohmigosh it feels like my heart is being ripped out. I have racked my brain and I'm not sure there was any way to prepare myself for this reality. I desperately wish it could be me taking care of him, rather than our wonderful daycare. Or at least that I had more time. I just look at that tiny face and think of all we've been through together and my heart literally aches. But I have a great job that I worked very hard to obtain and with DH's law school loans, staying home with him is not an option right now. So it's time to put on a brave face and do this.

July 2012 moms, I know I was late to the party and we don't know each other well yet. But if you could keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow, that would be great. And also all of the other moms who are headed back to work this week. I know it will hard but I also know (at least I hope) it will get better.  

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