1st Trimester

I have a "Telling my husband" predicament.

So I got my bfp yesterday (YAY!!) while my husband was out of town. He will be coming home today (finally!) around mid-afternoon. I cannot wait to tell him that I'm pregnant. It took everything in me to not tell him over the phone yesterday.

 Anyway, so my predicament is this: my parents are in town and staying with us this weekend. I am racking my brain trying to thing of a memorable way to tell him that we are having another baby, but without my parents finding out.

 What would you do? 

Just "telling him" is probably not an option. This is going to be our last child, so I wanted to make it a little special.  

Norah is here! Born on July 16th, 2009 7lbs 0oz, 19in and PERFECT! My Blog--Baby Steps, Foot Steps, Leaps, Bounds, Milestones
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