July 2012 Moms

DH question

Sigh... Another night, another fight with DH. I knew having a baby would take some adjusting, but sh!t, we fight all the time! DH started a business a few months ago and I am still on leave, so I do my best to take care of DD during the day. At night though, I would love it if DH would help walk her to sleep (he doesn't get p any earlier than me in the mornings). He helps occasionally, but for the most part I am getting her to sleep at night, no matter how long it takes. Luckily she is a good sleeper and doesn't get up at all at night, otherwise that would be a whole other issue.

So anyway, besides venting, I am curious as to how much your DHs help out at night. Do they get up and change diapers for those of who who BF? Do they give a bottle for those of you who Ff or pump? Just wondering if I am the only one biting her tongue while her DH slumbers away each night.

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