July 2012 Moms

Share your "worst mom ever" moment(s)

Come on, admit it, you've done some things that'd make people cringe! I have two so far, and I'm sure there will be many more to come. Yikes!

1) Put LO down on the couch in the cosleeper and went onto the patio to quickly put laundry in the dryer. I hear him start crying so I hurry and when I get back inside, he has a small couch pillow over his body and just his arms and legs are sticking out, flailing. Freaked me out but at the same time couldn't help but laugh! Worst. Mom. Ever.

2) Went in to work with LO to do a few things. Ended up working while he slept and then fed him. Put him back in the carseat with his blanket and worked a bit more. Went home and when I took the blanket off him, saw that I'd forgotten to buckle him back in! Luckily work is only 3 miles away. Oy...


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