1st Trimester

Symptoms and so many questions...

Ok. My hubby and I have been, well not trying, but not preventing either for about 3-4 months.

A few days ago I had an xray of my knee and I also took a dose of Nyquil because I've been a bit under the weather. This has been a pretty nuts week, needless to say. My periods have always been a little wacky so I thought nothing of it-- being a little hormonal and having the sore boobs. I just assumed it was all PMS. 

I got a wild hair yesterday and decided to take an hpt and got a perfectly clear double pink line within like the first five seconds (and 2 more positives later in the day :) ). I am kinda freaking out now because of the nyquil and the X-ray.

 I read the FDA website about XRays and the general word is that it should be ok. The nyquil consensus on the net so far is that the one dose won't make or break it. I'm just a little worried about my little bean now. Anyone with any info or input??


Also, TMI but I've been burping like crazy...symptom or no??


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