July 2012 Moms

Introduction and My Apologies

I just arrived on the scene a couple of weeks ago.  I wasn't even a lurker b/c I had crazy anxiety when I was pregnant, and thought that joining a board might make me crazier than I already was.  It didn't help that my OB told me that "pregnancy is serious. we lose moms and we lose babies."  Umm, yeah.

Now that I'm a mom, I'm still anxious, but in different ways.  I thought it was finally time to start connecting with other moms, since only one of my friends is a mom IRL.

After reading some of the latest posts, I thought, "you don't go to a cocktail party and start joining in convos without introducing yourself." So what better way to introduce myself than with ten random facts:

I love sushi and anything red velvet.
I have severe stroller rage.
It takes me forever to read an analog clock.
I will spend way too much time than is reasonable trying to find free shipping.
I used to be addicted to World of Warcraft.
I eat Blow Pops like every day.
I haven't been on a real vacation in 3 years (hubby's job is insane).
I'm somewhat scared of dogs since I was bitten by one as a child
I cried at the Royal Wedding
At 10 weeks PP, I tried on my favorite shoes before my favorite jeans.  The shoes fit, the jeans didn't.

So, my apologies for perhaps coming on too strong without introducing myself and saying hi first :)

And just so you all know I'm not a creepo, here's a photo of my sweet little lady.


My Baby Blog: www.whosthatmom.com

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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