1st Trimester

Bad cramps

So I'm having really bad cramps today...I've had off and on cramps over the last few weeks but never this bad. These cramps are constant and have been for a few hours. Is this normal? My lower back also hurts...a lot. There is no bleeding or spotting. I'm also an emotional mess, I feel like sh-t so I asked my DH to vacumn and do the floors. He managed to break the swifter and got all mad about it so now I'm laying on the couch hysterically crying while he's out buying another one. He works 70 hour weeks and I work part time and usually do all the cleaning/laundry/cooking etc when I'm off on Friday's. I feel like a failure and a bad wife bc I couldn't finish the cleaning and asked him to do it for me (which he didn't complain ab at all, only when the swifter broke) and I'm nervous about these cramps. Please help me.
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