1st Trimester

1st appt not until 11 1/2 wks

I'm going crazy. With my first child I had my first appt at 8 weeks. This time my appt isn't until I should be 11 and a half weeks along. Apparently that is when my OB is available. I chose to keep her because i'd rather have someone who knows some of my background already than someone new. Regretting that decision because now i'm just going crazy. I don't have symptoms right now and haven't for a few days. I guess that's okay but without seeing the baby or hearing the baby I just keep getting scared that baby is no longer there and my husband is getting a little irritated because I so badly want to take a third test to be sure. Arg. I'm 8 week and I want my appt!!! Okay.... sorry.... I needed to vent. lol.
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