1st Trimester

Intro from a Long Time Lurker/First Time Poster

Hey Ladies! 

This is my first time to post, but I have been lurking on the bump for years! I'll try to keep my intro as brief as possible, but there's alot to tell & I'll probably not get all the abbreviations correct. ;)

DH & I have been actively ttgp for more than 2years, but have been off BC for approx. 6 years.  My 2 closest college friends were having trouble ttgp & never occurred to me that I'd have trouble too. But I did.  We've had two very early m/cs in the past two years and that's it. 

Found out in February of this year that I have low ovarian reserve.  AMH was .35.  DH is a rockstar though...  We did a couple of rounds of IUI.  My RE gave me less than 10% change of getting pregnant without help. He gave us a 10% chance with IUI. In fact, he wanted go straight to IVF, but we can't afford it.  I wanted to adopt, but DH doesn't want to. By the time mid summer came around, I had given up hope & started trying to see my life without children.  I tried to look at the positives and know that I can have a blessed life, even if I am not a mom.  We were still trying though, but I wasn't optimistic. 

THEN, two weeks ago, I got a positive test.   Immediately called my RE.  Blood tests also came back good, except they put me on progesterone.  Symptoms are nausea, slightly sore BBs, crazy fatigue and roller coaster emotions!  This is the most pregnant I have ever been!  I am hopeful, but trying to not let myself get excited just yet. Ultrasound is scheduled for Oct 4th!   

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