1st Trimester

A lengthy intro, getting excited to join you girls.

About a few weeks ago I felt off with my H, and I have for a long time, but he always checked out and through it back into my face that he had nothing to hide. I decided to snoop a bit deeper and found a lot of sick dirt on him. Long story short were going through a divorce. To make it more complicated I found out I was pregnant a few days ago. I still have to go to the doctor and don't plan on telling him until the 12 week mark. 

Im still trying to figure all this out and ask myself why, why did this have to happen. I thought our marriage was pretty good and a lot of things don't make sense to me, but i feel confident moving forward with God's plan for me and Im accepting this is my new reality.

Im getting excited about this pregnancy and realizing its in God's hands and that I have to just go with the flow. Im going to fight for full custody because he had a temper and a lot of issues, he tried to fix in counseling but he's not going to change so I'm just trying to embrace the situation.

Im excited to get to know a lot of you and have my appointment monday so I can hopefully find out how far along I am!  

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