1st Trimester

Staying or going...I am praying to stay

So I had my first appt today.  I am 8 weeks tomorrow.  OB did an internal and said my uterus felt smaller than it should be.  So he wanted to do an US (which I wasn't supposed to have at this appt).  I had an internal US and they could see the sac with fluid but nothing else :(  During this time, they tested my urine with a pregnancy test and it came back positive...

So he said two things could be happening.  1.  My dates are off/I ovulated vey late and I am not far enough along.  Or 2.  My body is ready to have a miscarriage.  They took blood to get my beta levels and I will have to go back in on Monday to get more blood work done and then they will call on Tues with what my new levels are.

I am SO nervous/scared/confused and about 100 other feelings.  Has anyone gone through this or have any advice?  Tuesday seems like forever away!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP #2 8/29/12, ectopic pregnancy confirmed 9/4/12 and lost our sweet little one at 9 weeks.
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