1st Trimester

need some reassurance.

I am 5 weeks along with my first child and am... nervous to say the least.  I have been diagnosed with a UTI by my primary care dr and he started treating me with some antibiotics that are safe to use while pregnant.  He was concerned due to blood in the urin during the testing and also ran tests to check my hormone levels saying he thought it may be possible indicating a miscarriage.  The tests came back with everything indicating a healthy normal pregnancy but now I am freaking out every time I pee and see a little blood.  I do not have any severe cramps, only the burning sensation that accompanies a UTI.  The baby books I have been reading have said that a little bleeding during the first trimester can be normal with things like a UTI but what I REALLY need to know is... has anyone else out there experienced this but continued to have a healthy pregnancy?  I am scared to death for my little peanut now.
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