July 2012 Moms

Left LO for the 1st time....

So I have never left LO with anyone for more than 5-10 min. Tonight, I left him with my mom so I could go to dinner with a few friends before I leave town. I contemplated taking him with me but he was napping when I left and my mom really wanted to watch him. I made her a long detailed rundown of our evening and bedtime schedule. It felt weird but nice to be baby free for a little while. Then, about an hour later my mom called and said he had been crying inconsolably for the past 15 minutes and she didn't know what else to do. So I rushed home and as soon as I walked in the door he calmed down and stopped crying completely when I held him. Now I feel horrible for leaving him, and I don't think I'll be able to leave him with anyone else for a long while. I guess it's true what they say about how little boys love their mamas, but I really hope he gets comfortable being with other people and especially with DH when he comes home. 
photo 61daa0ab-1331-48ad-954e-59ad63be3237_zps02c1eae6.jpg Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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