July 2012 Moms

Flat headed babies come in

The back of my baby's head is flat. I knew this before his appt yesterday but I guess I thought it was normal and he would grow out of it. Well, hopefully he will if I do some things to correct it. I'm terrified of him needing a helmet. Here is my plan. Any other ideas or things you are doing?

Way more tummy time, at least an hour a day.

Sleeping on his stomach during the day as much as possible. He will sleep on my chest or across my legs. I was just leaving him in the car seat or swing when he fell asleep (which the doctor said I could do) , but no more unless he is actually in the car.

More time sitting up.

Alternating everything (the direction we lay him down in the crib, changing table, the way we carry him).

Edit: Also thought of wearing him around the house more.

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