Dads & Dads-to-be

I'm a DAD!!!


I have to tell you, it was nice being in the Dad-To-Be category, but joining the Dads is pretty awesome and I'm crazy stoked! My son was born last Wednesday, 9/19 (two days early) and it was a rough ride getting him out, but he is here and he is awesome!

The wife ended up having an emergency c-section which through us for a loop and the recovery has taking some getting use to, but she is a champ. I planned on working 1/2 days once my son came and after my campaign closed, taking a few weeks off, but with the c-section I'm needed at home much more and the job is kind of understanding...but at the end of the day my family comes first.

So far, my kid is super small and doesn't do much. But in the moments were I rock him to sleep in the glider (even though I'm reading a book) or the few times where he is actually up and I can prop him on my legs facing me and we make faces....those times are awesome and knowing that it's going to only get better makes every day crazy amazing.

AND I'm saying this after not sleeping at all last night and dealing with butt holes at work today. But I'm taking the rest of the week off and going right into my paternity leave...three weeks with my boy!!!


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