1st Trimester

Wasn't sure where to post this......

Hello!!!! Ive got a question. I am a mother of 3. 15yo, 11yo and 16m old. Im not new to pregnancy ;) The last week Ive been nauseous (I normally get really bad ms), boobs hurt but not bad, crampy and feel "full" in that area. Ive taken pregnancy tests every day with a negative result. Whats throwing me off is I had JUST gotten back AF and only had it for 2 cycles and they were 40 days apart so not normal so I would have no idea when I may have ovulated and when I would be expecting it again. On top of these symptoms I also have swollen lymph nodes in my groin which Ive never had before. Its DRIVING ME CRAZY I dont know if Im pregnant or I have some other medical issue going on? What do you think? Pregnant or something wrong????? Thank in advance!!! :)
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