1st Trimester

Oh my! Bad timing!

Hi there. So, I just turned 19 on Sunday. Yeay for growing up! But... I also just found out that my fiance and I are expecting... Around the same time we planned for our wedding! Oh no! The thing is that this is my second pregnancy in seven months, so I've held off telling him.

We both agreed that school and work was more important after my first miscarriage as well as waiting until we were more secure both financially and relationship wise (like... Not even starting to try until we were 22-23).

Now, I'm in school as a freshman in college and he works almost full time to support us with help from my parents because they wanted me to stay in school (he should be returning to school in the spring as a sophomore/junior, so he hasn't finished college yet). I'm so scared! I don't really know what I'm going to do!

Don't get me wrong, being pregnant is something I've always wanted! I'm just scared because, let's face it, I'm so very young... I was careful about taking my birth control every day, just never really kept it at a certain time. Which apparently drops the efficiency rate to 85%. Of course... That paired with my fiance forgetting extra protection, I suppose it was bound to happen. We just... Didn't think it would so soon.

I'm still ripped up about the loss of my first pregnancy, so that makes me a whole ball of bad emotions. Especially when I know he can't really handle any of this right now. We barely scrape by as it is... He suspects it from my recent mood change and fatigue. We'll be taking a test this week at some point, but I already know from previous symptoms.


Why should I do? I want to tell him and I want to keep it. I'm going to start looking at jobs every where for part time, since I'm a full time student. I'll need to face reality soon... I'm already 5 weeks... Advice?

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