1st Trimester

Goodbye (kind of long) :(

As much as it hurts me to do so, I've decided to leave The Bump. A couple of weeks ago I made a horrible newbie mistake of posting a BFP announcement in two TTC boards in which I wasn't an active member. It caused a lot of turmoil and hurt feelings. I felt terrible for my mistake. I tried apologizing as much as I could, but the damage has been done.  

Since then I've moved to the 1st Trimester board and I've been an active member here for the past 2 weeks. At the same time, I've still been keeping an eye on the TTC boards but never posting anything. Today I posted a comment here asking if it was appropriate for me to answer a few questions asked by women on the TTC boards with an intention to help. Shortly after that post I realized that I might get some negative feedback for even considering that, so I deleted my post. That caused another fiasco with someone bringing up my mistake from 2 weeks ago. That made me realize that some women here will never forget or forgive me, which is completely understandable :(

I love The Bump and the women here are just amazing, but seeing how much stress this brings me on top of my pregnancy-related hormonal mood swings, I've decided to protect my LO and just resign. 

It's been a great experience, ladies! Thank you so much for your support and for answering my numerous questions. I wish all of you the best of luck and health!! :)


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