1st Trimester

new with number 2

Im 8 weeks pregnant and I had my first appt on thursday. It was an early u/s appt and I got to see my lil bean. I saw and heard the heart beat. It was in the high 100's and the nurse said everything looked good. But I have a few things that are bothering me. First I have a UTI and it is horrible. I went to the doctor a few days ago and they gave me some meds for my uti. I cant wait for it to go away because it is really bothering me. And I have been having cramping ever since I found out I was pregnant. Its like mild menstrual like cramping and I heard it was normal but I still worry about it. And I was freaking out the other day because when I went to the bathroom I saw a little bit of pinkish blood on the tissue when I wiped. It went away but then happened again the next day. I try not to worry about it because its not spotting or anything heavy. I just dont know what its from. Other than all that I think things are going ok. This is my second pregnancy and I still worry about every lil thing. I thought the second time would be easier but nope I still stress and worry just as much as I did with my first.   












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