1st Trimester

Rough go (Long)

I just feel like getting it all out there. 

It all started two weeks ago. I woke up at two in the morning to go to the bathroom and found blood on the toilet paper. I told myself to relax because it was just a little bit of blood and spotting is common. I got myself a bottle of cold water and I laid flat on my back with my feet up for half an hour and then went to check again. There was no blood this time so I just went to sleep. At six a.m. I got up again and found my panties were wet with blood and it was dark red this time. I immediately called my doctor's answering service. The doctor on call told me to do what I thought was best. So I went to the hospital. They whisked be back right away and stuck me in a room for two hours without anyone coming to check on me and without a doctor coming to see me. Finally my sister got to the hospital and started bullying the nurses because, at that point, I'd been laying down for hours with no help and I was so thirsty I was nauseous. They refused to give me anything to drink and waited another hour before giving me fluids in an IV and some nausea medicine. At this point the doctor still had not come to see me. Finally the doctor came in and told me they were going to do blood work and give me an ultrasound. The nurse who drew my blood screwed up big time and got blood everywhere and left bruises all over me. It was several more hours before they did the ultrasound and they had me give them a urine sample right before they sent me. The tech looked at me and said "Did you just go to the bathroom?" and I explained they had me give a urine sample. She then said she couldn't see anything because my bladder was empty and now they had to do a vaginal ultrasound. And then they waited another hour and a half before they told me my baby was fine, had a strong heartbeat, and that I had a small urinary tract infection and I could go home with antibiotics. They told me to take it easy until my UTI went away but I should be fine.


I got through my antibiotics and noticed spotting and bleeding again so I called my doctor who told me she needed to see me that day (about a week later) so I made my appointment and rushed over. (I absolutely love my doctor, she's so phenomenal). She gave me an ultrasound right there to measure the baby and heartbeat and checked to see if my UTI was resolved. She said I had a blood clot next to the baby's placenta, that the people at the hospital noted on my chart but did not tell me!, and I needed to be on complete bed rest until further notice. Now I have to have an ultrasound every two weeks (which I don't mind as I love to see my baby) but I really wish that if it was such a big complication, the people at the hospital would have told me so I would've been more aware. I also discovered they gave me the wrong antibiotics and my UTI has not been resolved.

 Since then I have developed the flu and the strongest thing I'm allowed to take is Tylenol, which I puke up right after taking it. On top of it all, my morning sickness is so bad I've been steadily losing weight every week. In just this last week alone I've lost 10 pounds. I feel like the worst mom ever because I can't keep down any food or medicine, including my prenatal vitamins, not even my nausea pills. I feel like I'm the unhealthiest pregnant woman on the planet lol and I'm just wondering, when am I ever going to get to enjoy being pregnant?! 

If you got this far, thanks for your time and attention, much appreciated! 

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