1st Trimester

Did you have symptoms before a BFP???

Hello...I've been lurking this board and TTGP for a couple of months...I have an 18 month old little girl and we are ready to try to expand our family =)

 This month was our first tim TTCing since we had DD. My period is not due until the 29th so I know I can't test yet--I've been dizzy/nauseous for 3 days, I've had a little bit of heartburn (which I never get), my memory has left the building completely (I felt like a space cadet in last pg), and to top it all of....I slightly peed my pants last night, um, that never ever ever happens to me.

 So I'm wondering if any of you have gotten early pregnancy symptoms before your BFP???? I feel like it's too early to have symptoms, maybe I'm just getting sick. With DD I didn't have nausea until my 6th week....

 Thanks! Sorry for the rambling.... =)

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