1st Trimester

Measuring 2 weeks behind

Went for an emergency us today (spotting yesterday) and the tech said I am measuring 2 weeks behind (at 5w 3d and according to LMP I thought I was 7w 2d). Did anyone have it happen to them? Is this ok / possible?


The u/s showed the gest sac and the yolk but no embryo yet. The dr / tech said if I am truly 5w its OK as its still early but if I am supposed to be at 7w then it could be a miscariage. I was hoping for some answers / reassurance but went home more emotionally drained and scared then when I came back. First thing I did is come home and take HPT to have some physical evidence I am still pregnant (stupid I know).

Just worried and hoping to know I am not alone in this. 


H&H to all you beautiful ladies. 


IAmPregnant Ticker
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