1st Trimester

UPDATE: Possibly loosing ... please send your prayers my way! :(

I started spotting orangey-brown-pink color this morning. I called my dr and have dr's appt at 4:30 with the dr and a prenatal (previously scheduled) with a nurse. I am so worried but trying to keep positive and trying to keep telling myself everything will be ok. Next 24 hours will be pure hell of waiting. I just want to know everything is OK. Please send sticky baby dust and prayers my way. I never needed anything more then that right now.

 UPDATE: Went to my appt today and they gave me ab ultrasound. I am measuring 5w 3d.  According the last day of my period I am supposed to be 7w 2d. So the dr's drew my blood, next blood is on Sunday. The dr did see the gest sac and the yolk but because I am measuring 2 weeks earlier its eaither a missed misscariage or or everything is perfectly normal and I just ovulated late. I did take an HPT when I got and it still is positive. I am just stuck in limbo right now, did not really get any re-assurance from dr or u/s. Such a stressful morning.

IAmPregnant Ticker
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