1st Trimester

Possibly pregnant? (Some TMI)

Hey y'all! I really want some advice on if I may be pregnant or not. There are some personal details in there for those who don't care to read on! For the past couple weeks I've been nauseous off and on, but with no vomiting. Now, just for almost a week I have had heartburn, exhaustion, lower back pain, mood swings, loss of libido (I know, TMI), and dizziness. Also, another TMI statement (sorry!): last night when my SO and I were intimate I felt a little cramping in my lower abdomen, and he said afterwards that it felt different than he has ever felt it before. I took two tests last week, but they both came out negative (not a faint negative either). I just got off the pill around the 20th of last month not to specifically get pregnant, but because it made me sick. All of this just may be in my head, but it's not like I am desperate to get pregnant. What do y'all think?
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