1st Trimester

Anyone had PCP order them an ultrasound?

Hi ladies. Yes, it's 4:30, insomnia is fun, no? I'm pregnant with my 3rd child, quite by surprise. ; I'm hunting for new OB since my previous one made some poor decisions that have left me with permanent problems. But no one seems keen to get me in very soon. I'm used to getting U/S around the 6 week mark, and it seems more important this time as my LMP is a vague guess and I need proper dating. I have also scheduled with my old OB, as I haven't yet "broken up" with her. But even she doesn't have me scheduled for first U/S till roughly 11 weeks, which as I understand makes dating less accurate than earlier ones.

I'd really like to not only get u/s soon, but also see someone. Neither dr is planning to see me until 11 to 12 weeks.

I should be an old hand at this, but I have different issues now: age, pelvic prolapse thanks to 10lb baby, a child with autism which increases chance of autism in this one, with first trimester being a critical time, and weaning off anxiety meds.

Would it be strange to ask my primary to see me and order an u/s since no one else has time? I've met my deductible for the year, so if he will, it's just copays.

Alright, off to try to sleep some more.
~formerly Bride2bMO~
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Zeus and Bubba
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