1st Trimester

Learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable

I am having a rough night and need some support please! My three year old sons father left yesterday for another 3 weeks of work out of state, I am 8 weeks pregnant, I have to be to work in the morning, and I just stepped on the scale and realized I have gained nearly 10 pounds in two weeks.                                                                                         Now, I have done some research and know that that is way to fast of a weight gain, obviously. I did start out "overweight" (150 lbs 5'3"). However I do eat very healthy, organic, non-gmo (I work at a local organic grocery) and am active. I will not tell a lie, I have been over doing it since I found out I was with child, but I felt like I needed the extra since I had been dieting for a while before. Unless I am running everyday, I tend to be a little "squishy" and am VERY self- concious about my weight!       

 Heres the deal. While I am reading up on the dangers of weight gain I see posts like "Ive gained 20 lbs but can still fit into XS maternity!!" and the like. Also , there has been an abundance of pregnant women coming into the store with their beautiful big basketball bellies, glowing skin, and beautiful clothing, and not an ounce fat added to their thighs. I had a full-on camel-toe when I put my pants on for work this morning!

ARE THERE ANY OTHER BEAUTIFUL CHUBBY PREGNANT WOMEN OUT THERE? I cant be the only one buying size large maternity clothing right?  As for the weight gain I know for mine and my babies health I need to change something so I dont gain too much.



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