1st Trimester

Worried about hormone levels

So I had my first BFP a week ago today, which would have been CD 32 and about a day before when my period would probably start.  Kept getting BFPs throughout the week.  On Friday I went to my doctor b/c I had called her - I was getting cramping and spotting all week.  So she did a pelvic and took blood.  Got the blood results today - HCG is 176 and progesterone is 9.  She said that is low and she thinks I may have miscarried but wants to do another test tomorrow afternoon, so I'll go in again.  She said they may also be low just because I would have been so newly pregnant.  Until I get tomorrow's blood test results back (probably Thursday or Friday), can anyone provide me some insight into if this happened to you and how everything worked out?  I'm a nervous wreck!  I should add that I am a freak and have been POAS every single morning since I went to her (including this morning) and ALL have been positive - VERY positive - dark lines on FRER and Wondfo and one CB digital "pregnant".  Any words of wisdom, etc. are much appreciated, thank you!

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