1st Trimester

Working Out

Hi All! I am a group ex teacher at night, in addition to my full time (active) career. My doctor has cleared me to continue doing this throughout my pregnancy, as I have been teaching (group ex) for a long time now. 

However, I burned 1300+ calories in the 2 classes I taught last night, never mind the other 1600+ calories I had burned throughout the day. (These ain't no "baby workouts! lol) I mainly want to be sure I am taking in enough calories, without over doing it. I do eat my 6-7meals a day, but I have never been a big eater, and definitely cannot eat a ton before working out. (I always eat a fabulous dinner of: pork/chicken/turkey burgers/white fish with sweet potatoes, and broccoli/cauliflour ready when I get home

I don't go in for my first appointment until October 12, as I am only in my 5th week right now. Any suggestions??? THANKS! :-)

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