TTC after 35

Update (reposted from PG after 35 because I'm an idiot sometimes).

XP because I forgot what board i was on!

Hi ladies...popping in from lurking lately with a quick update. I got in touch with my new RE's office last week and got my meds ordered and an approximate start date of October 1 for my next IVF cycle, so I've still got a couple of weeks but it's soon...I'm feeling a little like a fish out of water since I am going to be monitoring remotely at my old REs office and until I get into the flow of things with bot offices, I am nervous that info won't be reported on time, etc. but I'm sure I am worrying for nothing.

I'm very close to pulling the plug on the whole TTC process, but still not quite there yet. At the moment I am of the mind that I will try IVF for this cycle and one more (if necessary), and if I am not pregnant by the end of the year, then that will be it for us. The last couple of months have been up and down in coming to this decision, but DH and I need to move on with our lives one way or the other, and that's pretty much where I am now.

I'm happy to see the recent BFPs, so happy for you girls!

I'm also heartbroken and frustrated for Emikat and her rollercoaster ride this weekend, hope you are doing ok!

As always, thinking of you ladies daily and hoping we can all move over to the PG after 35 board very soon.

TTC since 3/2010. I'm 40, my husband is 47. He had a vasectomy reversal in January of 2010. We tried on our own for almost a year, then went to an RE. 6 IUIs and several cancelled IVF's and another RE later we are pregnant. 11/2012-new RE, new protocol...IVF cycle #6. 8 follicles but only 4 retrieved and 3 fertilized. 2 6-cell and 1 7-cell C grade fragmented embryos transferred on 11/12-BFP! Beta#1-55, Beta #2-153, Beta #3-593 Beta #4-2402 12/5-First u/s shows 2! One looks good, the 2nd one has no yolk sac visible so fingers crossed! 12/12-2nd sac still empty but fetal pole visible in the other sac. 12/19-No heartbeat and no growth since last week. Miscarriage.
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