Dads & Dads-to-be

First Day Back in The Rat Race, I Miss My Family!!!

It actually went better than I though this morning when I left the house for the first time in nearly three weeks to go into the office. I thought I would be weepy and weak in the knees for sure, but I manned up and headed in!

The time I was able to spend with my wife and kid over the last few weeks was priceless. I was able to bond with my son, take care of my wife and make sure that she was getting her rest as she fed the boy every three hours. Also, I knew that newborns fly through the diapers, but nothing can prepare anyone for just how many they do go through. My God, 10 a day, and sometimes as many as 12.

I originally thought about taking another week and working from home. But I wanted to bite the bullet and get my routine back so I can provide some stability when I get home and take some of the pressure off of the wife. She has ten more weeks off, so by the time we start daycare it will be December.

I find myself checking myself to not talk in baby talk here at the office.

For all of you future dads out there....TAKE THE TIME OFF IF YOU CAN. These last three weeks spent with my son will forever be seared into my memory as some of the best moments of my life.

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