1st Trimester

obgyn vs. midwives

Hi Ladies,

First off - hello!  I just got my BFP last week and I think I will be due around May 10th.  This is our first pregnancy and we've been trying for 11 months!  We are SO excited!  But also a little clueless...

To add to my clueless-ness is the fact that I just quit my job a couple weeks ago and will now be switching insurance which means I will need to switch doctors.  I havent even gone in for a first appt. to confirm things yet - but I need to very soon. 

I think I need to find a new doctor that will be covered with my new insurance.  I am very interested in a natural pregnancy and love the idea of using a midwife.  But, do any of you ladies know: If you have a midwife, do you also need an OB?  Or should I just go directly to a midwife?  Any thoughts you have on either/both options would be really helpful! 


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