1st Trimester

10 weeks tomorrow

First of all, I don't understand all these abbreviations, DS DD BFP DH AF. Holy cow they need a legend at the bottom or something. Ok, on to the baby part I have two boys, and pregnant with baby 3. Due April 6, and soooo nervous! I don't remember being this nervous before and I don't know why I am! Actually I think it's bc I had to use clomid w this one, an not with the others. But my symptoms come and go, and I don't feel that bump in my stomach like I remember, and I feel like I should feel it already. Had an ultrasound last week. Two sacs, only one baby, was told it was a vanishing twin. Baby measured almost 5 days bigger than what I expected, so I'm taking that as good news, saw the flutter on the screen showing the heartbeat, and didn't even have to have an internal ultrasound to see it! I just can't shake the nervousness!!
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