1st Trimester

We had our first u/s today! (questions & picture inside)

We had our first u/s today and both estimates previously given to us (8 weeks was given to us 2 weeks ago by my reg doctor, based on hCG, and 10-12 weeks was given to me by my OB last week, based on where my uterus is sitting) were totally wrong. Our little peanut is measuring in at 8 weeks, 6 days. Heartbeat was 166. Everything looks great and we're SO excited!

There were, however, a couple issues. The first is that my heart murmur sounds a little more pronounced. I now have to go for an EKG and echo cardiogram next week to make sure all is well with my heart.

Also, they did a urine test and found that I have protein and ketones in my urine. Has anyone ever had this problem?? They said they're still waiting for more results to come back to tell me what it might mean, but it makes me nervous.

Also, I had to get MORE blood work done to  check my blood type (again). I got a call from the receptionist at the OB's office earlier this week saying I'll need a rhogam shot because I'm O- and I just said okay and hung up with her. As I continued getting ready for work, I realized that my donor card from the Red Cross definitely says that I'm O+. SO, bit of a dilemma there. I don't know which one scares me more, the fact that the lab that does my blood work at the Dr. might be screwing up my results...or the fact that the Red Cross, who hands out blood to so many people all the time, could be wrong. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation??


Lastly, here's a pic of our little peanut. I'm in love already. Party!!!


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