1st Trimester

find out the sex or not?

I know its VERY early for me at this point, but my husband and I have been talking about this since before we conceived. 

We didn't find out with our son but were so convinced he was boy that, when he was born, it was still exciting but not the earth shattering surprise we had expected. 

 My husband wants to find out this time at the ultrasound so that we can have both experiences.  It would be around the holidays and we'd announce it to family in a fun way on Christmas.  I like this idea, and I do feel a little more impatient to find out this time than last, but I'm wondering if I'll regret it afterwards and wish we had held out.

If you found out the sex at the anatomy scan, were you happy you did?  Were you a little bummed that you wouldn't have that surprise at delivery?

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