1st Trimester

Getting ready to say goodbye

I started spotting 6 days ago. It was nothing of concern as my discharge was just tinted pink. This continued on for two days but on the third day the bright red blood started. I called my doctors office and she was overbooked already for the day so she directed me to the ER. They did blood work and an ultrasound. Ultrasound showed nothing but the sac and the blood work HGC level was 2,581 showing that I was about 5 weeks. Yesterday I had a follow up with my doctor where she examined me and I had my blood drawn again to see if my HGC has went up. I am supposed to get the results of the HGC today (called the office twice already). Even though I haven't received the results of the blood work, I am pretty certain I am miscarrying. The blood flow is only getting heavier and I am beginning to pass clots and tissue. My husband and I are pretty sad about this but we will start TTC again once we get over this.

Thank you all for a great few weeks :) I hope all of you have wonderful happy and healthy pregnancies. I WILL be back on this board some day :) 

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