1st Trimester

Hello! BFP this Morning :)

I told myself that if I made it to 10DPO with high temps then I could POAS. I have a short LP and have had PMS symptoms for the last few days (I get super irritable and cranky), so I was fully expecting a temp drop this morning and spotting this afternoon. Woke up this morning to a nice, high temp! I got a super faint line on a WONDFO, so I broke out the digital, and sure enough - "pregnant!"

Of course now I'm all freaked out because I tested so early and there are plenty of false positive reports/complaints on the clearblue digitals, but for now I'm just going to try to hope for the best! I'm sure I'll continue to pee on things throughout the weekend :)

I have a 4-year-old who has been asking for a baby for quite a while now, so I'm hoping this is really going to be his little brother or sister!

Charlie 8.06.08
Baby GIRL EDD 5.21.13

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