1st Trimester

Am I overreacting?

Friday I went and had my first beta done. It was 2211 and my progesterone was 5.1. (funny when I tried to get my doc to check my progesterone while I was on clomid I was told I didn't need it, anywho). I was calLed back into the office yesterday for a repeat of my bloodwork.

Oh let me add that I have been spotting since Saturday. Not a lot but enough to have me concerned with the progesterone levels. I had my blood redrawn yesterday and I was told that my results would be back today. Now earlier this week I was told that labs don't come back until after 2pm and the nurses call after the offices close with the results.

NO FREAKING CALL! I am annoyed beyond words. I didn't call them but should I have to call when I've already informed them of my spotting and asked about starting progesterone?

Right now in this moment I would rather find a new OB/GYN. Am I over reacting? 

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