1st Trimester

First U/S this morning wasn't all too exciting...

So I had my first u/s. And the doctor couldn't see anything but the sac. I thought I was 8 weeks (that's how long it's been since my last period) but according to the way things looked I might only be 6 weeks. We couldn't see a heartbeat which makes me really nervous, but the doctor said it could be too early to see anything. I just feel like, if I'm only 6 weeks pregnant, then that means I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks which seems really early, but I guess it's possible. 

Anyone else have this happen to them? Was everything okay? How did you get through it? I have so much anxiety right now and I'm praying I didn't miscarry.

 Doctor scheduled another u/s for next week. She's hoping that we'll be able to tell a huge difference by then. 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Not TTC BFP#1- 08/18/2012. Missed M/C U/S- 09/13/2012. D/C- 09/28/12. WTT (waiting to try) until after I graduate with my masters
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