1st Trimester

Opinions: getting a new dog?

So, my hubby and I decided when we got into our new house we would get a dog..well, 2 weeks before moving into new house, I got my BFP. I figured maybe now wasnt the best time to get a dog (morning sickness, new house etc etc) so we kinda dropped the subject.

Well, DH is military and his CO has asked him to work "mid shifts" which are from abt 10p at night until about 8am (give or take). It gives him a 10% pay differential (which is fab) but it means he wont be home overnight 4 nights a week...

I can sometimes "freak myself out" being home alone at night, so have though that since he will be working overnights starting next week, maybe it would be better to rethink the dog idea...

But mind you, we dont want a big dog tho lol, A tiny miniture something or the other, but I think just having a doggie will make me sleep better when DH isnt home...

What would you do? 

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