1st Trimester

FTM shocked with twin news

Hi all,

I'm new to the boards and this is my first pregnancy, but I just had to post because I went for my first OB appointment and found out that I am five weeks pregnant with what is almost certainly twins.  I have to go back in two weeks for a follow up US to confirm the double buns in the oven, but the doc said it is "very likely" that it's twins.

 I'm just a little freaked out because my DF and I were not planning on one baby, but over the past month we got to a place where we were feeling good and excited.  Now that there's two, I feel panicked and overwhelmed.  Is that normal?  What do I do next?  The financial stress is the worst part - otherwise I'd be 150% excited.  (I always wanted twins when I was little and assumed I'd grow up to be rich!)

Sorry if there is a better board for this or if I'm just rambling.  I am in shock!  If any of yall are moms of multiples - or even just have any advice about next steps - please feel free to chime in.  Thanks! 

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