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Ten Things Thursday

OK, take 2 on 10 Things Thursday.  For those who are new, its just listing 10 things going on in your life, whether it is baby, work, hobby, etc. related.

1) NFL season has finally started!!!  My team, the Colts, isn't likely to make too much noise this season, but I'm figuring somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 wins.

2) My favorite baseball team is making noise for the wrong reasons.  The Cubs are fighting to not lose 100 and losing that battle.  I'm not surprised, one of the guys I work with, I told back on opening day that if they lost less than 100 games it would be a miracle.

3) I'm glad it is pay day for my wife.  We could use some additional food options in the house for everyone and see a grocery store run in our future tonight.

4)  We have been working with picture flash cards to try to expand our son's vocabulary and it is paying off.  Out of the 30 or so cards, he can now say over half of them.  He's probably well over 50 words now.

5) We are already starting to plan our son's 2nd birthday party, and he doesn't turn 2 until mid December.  I admit, my wife and I are planners.

6) Less than a month until we have the anatomy scan on J's brother or sister, and we can finally stop wondering.  Looking forward to it.

7) While I will be happy with either, and ultimately just want a healthy baby, if this one is a girl, I would be very happy with that.  

8) I survived this Labor Day weekend at my job and in theory, should have it pretty easy until Thanksgiving, which I fortunately have that week off this year, so for me, it'll be more towards Christmas.  Very thankful for an easier time, from the week of Memorial Day until Labor Day is our busiest long term stretch of the year.

9) My wife and I have started transitioning our son to his twin bed in his new room, but not with very good results yet.  I battled him for just over an hour yesterday and he won.  My wife posted a short transcript on the December 2010 board.

10) My 20 month old has developed his own football stance.  He will get down on his knees, then bend over and put his pointer finger from each hand down on the ground.  He only does this when I get into a 3 point stance with his stuffed football.  It is pretty cute, and I love that he's getting the concept.

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