1st Trimester

Has any one spotted

I had red bleeding with my 1st so I'm trying not to freak out but, I have been spotting with this Pregnancy for 1 week now.   It's only when I wipe and it started out as brown and is light pink right now.  It's not all the time but, it comes and goes.   My HCG where 298 and 673 and I go back for a third draw on Thursday.  If you have spoting how long did it last and how bad was it.
10/17/2009 - Our Miracle came 10 weeks early. IF,2 MC and 1 Preemie we have our miracle.. Baby Hope 10 weeks 5days was taken from us on Dec 18, 2007. Forever with us and Forever missed. Triplets Lost baby A @ weeks, Lost Baby B at 6 weeks and lost baby Abigail at 14 weeks when she was born to little for this life..... Forever with us ....
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