1st Trimester

How do you choose an OB/hospital? So overwhelmed...(long)

*cross-posted from May 2013 board*

I found out almost a week ago I was pregnant, but I haven't called to make an appointment yet because of Hurricane Issac disrupting our area. On Monday (or Tuesday since Monday is Labor Day and offices might be closed) I'm going to call and make one.

But this is my first, and I don't know how to choose an OB. My OBGYN is okay, but all I've ever done is get a yearly PAP. And she has mixed reviews online. My hair stylist has three kids, one of them just last year, and she recommended her doctor to me after I asked her about it. I really value her opinion because our personalities are similar and well, she's done this three times. I only have two friends who've had one baby each, and they both used the same doctor. I'm not sure of that one's name though. I didn't want to start telling people yet, but if I want the doctor's name I will have to tell one of them early.

This whole thing is just so overwhelming. I'm googling how to choose an OB, and then I come across stuff about making sure your doctor and hospital fits your birth plan. I've never done this before, I'm not sure what my birth plan will be! My hair stylist's doctor has good reviews online, and one of the hospitals he uses is one that I'm interested in. It's the hospital that everyone I know, including me, was born at. And both of my friends and my hair stylist gave birth there. But then I read about this other hospital which has a birthing center and more of the stuff geared to natural births, like the tubs. It's probably where all the natural birth and birth plan people give birth. But my hair stylist's doctor doesn't use this hospital. So with the hospitals I basically have the traditional type one that everyone I know has used, or the modern one geared toward natural births, water births, and birth plans. The only thing I know for sure is I want the drugs, lol. So I don't know which hospital or doctor to go with.

How did you decide which doctor and hospital to go with? Sorry this was so long...
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