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Question for expecting fathers from an expecting mother.

Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hell my husband is thinking?  

Last night he had to work late and I perfectly understand.  I tried calling/texting him at midnight and 2:00 a.m., no answer.  He finally texts back at about 2:45 a.m. and tells me he is on his way home.  I, of course, am furious considering I am having this baby in 4 DAYS AT THE LATEST and I couldn't get ahold of him!!! When I ask him where he'd been he said he worked until 11:30 or so, met up with a friend he hadn't seen in a while and drank too much and that he did not have his phone on him.  Are you f-ing kidding me??????  He eventually got home at 3:30 in the morning.  Let's not forget it was a Wednesday freaking night and he has to be a work today AND coach HS football at night.  

All night I had no clue where he was as he never called/texted and he apparently has no regard for the fact that could have gone into labor at any moment.  When I confronted him last night he said "I don't know what I was thinking." and "I thought it would be the last time I could go out like this".  However, he has said and done this EXACT SAME THING 4 times in the past 3 months and everytime he has said "I figured it would be the last time I could do this for a while"-bull sh*t.  That excuse is getting rather tired and it only made me more angry. Perhaps I've been too easy-going during my pregnancy and had too easy a pregnany and he doesn't think anything can go wrong but how dumb can you be?  If any of his friends had acted like this he would have be disgusted with their behavior so why is it ok for him to do it to me...multiple times?  

The last bit that REALLY ticks me off is he never would have acted like this with his first wife whom he hated through out their entire marriage.  Do I have to act like her (a raging lunatic with hoarding and depression issues) to get him to not be such a selfish jerk when it comes to his "fun time"?  It's like he doesn't think about anyone/anything else besides himself when he's having fun-it's incredibly immature and selfish.

What the hell makes a 37 year old man act like such a selfish, irresponsible, disprespectful, inconsiderate, juvenille a$$hole (especially considering it's not just me he leaving high and dry, there's the new baby now)???  Please, if anyone has any insight into his jacked up behavior I'd love to know.

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