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Let's talk about them.

I have a '96 Mustang. It's not a GT, but it is a manual. I have almost 160K miles on it and it's been mine for 8 years (also my first real car, before that I just used my parent's car). I paid $3900 for it. Still runs great and never had a problem. I hope to get 200K miles on it when it's all said and done.

For my next car I would really like an older Camarro. I like them. I discovered 2002 was the last year for them so I would probably try to get something from 2000-2002. My second choice would be another Mustang. I would set a budget and get the best of them that I could afford. My 3rd choice would be something with 4-doors with good MPG. You know, kid friendly and practical.

My wife has a 2004 Tribute. It gets the job done. My car is to just get me to and from work.

My dream car would be a Corvette or some old classic sports car. Those would happen many years down the road.

So what is everyone elses history, current situation, short-term plans, and dreams?

Females, try to hold off on replying, but if the men dissapoint then go for it.

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