Pregnant after IF

Happy to see this group!

Hello!   I used this site religiously for my wedding and recently remembered about The Bump.   I've had an 18-month journey trying to get pregnant and it's finally happened!  I'm guessing that many on this site have same thoughts in terms of being scared or thinking the worst in the early stages of being pregnant after fertility treatment.

In a nutshell, my husband and I tried for almost a year without success.  Saw a specialist and went through a few rounds of IUI that were unsuccessful.   Our Dr. in chicago couldn't pinpoint exactly what the issue was.  My ovulation could be a week off at times which could making timing tricky, and my husband sometimes had a lower motility rate but it wasn't dire enough to cause issues.

Then a new job took my husband and I took us to Minneapolis.  I found a new specialist here and we went through initial tests and it was immediately determined that the swimmers weren't penetrating the egg due to the shape!   The only solution was IVF, and after one round it worked!   I'm 5 weeks pregnant.  I'm trying to remain positive but am finding it hard to no think negatively.  I know so many people who have miscarried I can't help to let my mind go there.   But I'm thrilled to be pregnant right now!!!!

 ps - sorry I don't know all the acronyms yet. :) 

Me: 35/Hubs: 35 - just moved to Minneapolis from Chicago. TTC for 18 months and expecting baby #1 April 18, 2012! Needed IVF after a few failed rounds of IUI and it worked!
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