Pregnant after IF

AW: 28w appt & consignment score

Had my 28w appt yesterday; it was a busy one.

1) first went to MFM dept for a follow-up u/s b/c my last one (18w a/s) showed a low-lying placenta.  Yesterday's u/s showed my placenta has moved out of the way.  Cervix is long and closed.  Since they're doing an u/s, they went ahead to do measurements of LO.  Amniotic fluid is good, and LO weighs 2lb11oz at 49th percentile, HR in the 150s.  The tech also reconfirmed that we're "definitely" having a boy.  And to my surprise, the tech then switched over to the 3D mode (I didn't even realize those machines do 3D) and took a few pics of his face.  Awwwww....

2) Then I had my 1-hr GTT blood work done.  I just checked my labs today (the healthcare network my OB & PCP are affiliated with posts lab & radiology results online) and I passed with flying colors (glucose level was 91)

3) Finally, had my 28w OB appt. My reg OB is on vacation so I saw her partner.  I only gained 2lbs since my last appt (3wks ago) so I'm v happy about that.  Everything else looks good except I complained about some discharge so the OB did a culture.

4) The only "problem" from the appt is that I'm anemic and my culture came back consistent w/BV when I checked my results.  I put in a call to my OB office and waiting for them to call back.

5) This AM I went to a children's consignment store (run by the local children's library 2 towns away) to do some shopping.  Scored a Graco snap-n-go for $25!  I know I want the Graco brand one b/c we're getting a Graco infant seat, and even on craigslist those go for almost $50, brand-new retail is $70.  I also bought 2 hooded towels that are 100% cotten + newborn outfit + 2 hats for $10 total.  That consignment store is small but has a lot of stuff in v good condition.  I spotted bathtubs for $8 and boppy pillows for $6, but I won't purchase those items until later...

ETA: I had a super crappy week before (in-law issues past weekend and didn't get any celebration for my b-day earlier this week); but all the good news from yesterday made up for it.

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