Stay at Home Moms

if you need referrals w/ h. insurance- I have a question?

I've never had a problem with this before I just call my drs office and the girl puts it through- mails me a copy and thats it.

 I called and asked her for a referral for my 20 wk U/S. I'm going to the same Maternal Fetal place- no problem.

Here's the weird thing, I got the referral on the paper the referring office is my dr's office but with a different group ID number than the referrals I've had in the past. The other ones I've gotten have been with the address and group ID for the billing office that the OB/GYNs stuff goes through. I've never had a problem with them that way. I also checked my insurance company's website and the OB/GYN number comes up with a group number that was on the referrals I've gotten in the past with the billing office info.

Basically, I'm still going to the same dr, the same girl does the referrals, everything is the same but this last one came up with the actual practices name and a different group ID.

I probably wouldn't even have noticed it but it caught my eye. If you were me, would you call the girl who does referrals and just ask if this will be a problem? I would just rather know now that have to fight something later on- know what I mean?

Thanks! I get so nervous that I don't have all my ducks in a row before I go for the u/s.

EDIT-  ps, after writing all this, I just realized that my dr totally forgot to give me a prescription for the 20 week u/s! I'm so glad I typed all this out because it made me remember that!

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