Pregnant after IF

Birthday party ideas? -not PAIF related

My birthday is coming up in September, and I want to do something fun...but obviously alcohol free (at least for me). Any thoughts on a fun idea to celebrate with a 6 month pregnant mom-to-be?
TTC since August 2010
4 failed cycles of clomid, 1 Femara IUI = BFN IVF #1- results 3/20- BFN
FET - April 17 - 2 frosties 5aa
Beta #1 9dp6dt- 4/26 - 344 BFP!!
Beta #2 13dp6dt- 4/30- 1385
u/s scheduled for 5/16
3 furbabies (1 pug mix, 2 tabby cats)
SAIF/PAIF welcome
BabyFruit Ticker
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